Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Sense Above Sensory

Satu lagi tulisan yang gue tulis waktu lagi galau.

Sense Above Sensory

What do you feel when all feeling is blunt? 
When all senses dull? 
When sensory perception fails? 
Yet fou still feel.. 

It is the primeval cognitive function 
Our so called "sixth sense" 
which in essence, is the origin of senses 

Known to some as the "heart" 
that resides within our "soul" 
Physiologicaly, internal stimuli to the solar plexus 

It is how we communicate 
when flesh is no longer 
No more rods and cones 
No more olfactory 
No more papillae 
No more cochleae 
No more Merkel's and Meissner's 

The sense above senses 
That is present before life 
and will remain after 
That which we call "conscience" 

Feb 16, 23.03

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